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Join YDL and the League of Voters on Wednesday, June 22, at the Ypsilanti Senior Center for the Mayoral Candidates Forum. Residents can learn about the political positions and ask questions of the three candidates for mayor of Ypsilanti in the August primary: Lois Allen-Richardson, Nicole Brown, and Anthony Morgan. This forum will also be livestreamed. You can submit questions for the Mayoral Candidate Forum here.

Below is information about YDL-Whittaker as a polling place, voting information for each municipality in YDL’s service area, and non-partisan resources about voting and voter registration.

YDL Voter Resources

For Ypsilanti Township residents in precinct 20, YDL-Whittaker is your polling place. On election day, polling is held in the Community Room on the first floor.

For other precincts and municipalities, you can learn where your polling location is by clicking on your city’s voter information page below.

Stay tuned for information on our plans for National Voter Registration Day in the Fall issue of The Loop. Additionally, YDL has resources in our collection about voter issues, voting rights, and information about running for office. YDL regularly assists anyone requesting voter information about polling locations, where and how to register to vote, and more.

Voter Information

If you live within YDL’s service area, you can find information about voting from your city or township below:


You can find non-partisan resources for voting, including voter registration, finding your polling location, and candidate and ballot proposal information.

Rock the Vote is a non-partisan organization focused on encouraging young Americans to vote and providing them with the resources to make registering and voting easier. They have resources regarding registering to vote, checking your voter registration status, requesting absentee ballots, and providing state and national voting information. 

Vote 411 provides voting information by state, such as election dates and registration deadlines. You can also find your polling place and learn what candidates and measures are on your ballot. You can register to vote or verify your registration status. Additionally, election results are posted on the website. 

When We All Vote focuses on closing the race and age gap in voter turnout. They focus on educating the public about voting processes and registering voters. Their website provides information on registering to vote, informing you of your voting rights, and educating voters on the electoral college. You can also find answer to common voting questions on their “Voting 101” page.

YDL understands the importance of civil engagement. On this interest page, you can find events related to civic engagement, voter information, and civic advocacy.